Passion & Privilege to Present for the Global Poverty Project

Have to share this with you as it is a bit of boasting but personally I feel it is being a privileged puppet in front of an amazing presentation, representing a dream organisation for me…

It also shows why I am doing what I do, in particular for this bike trip. For me it is about utilising the skills I have and matching them with others to be the most passionate and effective team for the betterment of each other and the planet – pretty wanky stuff but when you receive feedback like below it is hard to not go on this philosophical tangent.

Below is some feedback from my first presentation in North America at a high school inPortland. I wasn’t sure if they understood a word I said in my slang-heavy thick Australian accent but seems the teacher thinks so.

‘From: “Judy”
To: “Monica” (teacher hosting the presentation)
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 13:50:29 -0700
Subject: thank you

I just wanted to take a chance to THANK YOU for including my class in d’Arcy’s presentation opportunity. It was awesome.  My class is a transition class that focuses on student choices after high school. I had prepped them before letting them know that d’Arcy is following his passion and combining it with things he enjoys…the perfect occupation. With this population it is so important for my to get the message across that it is not about the money.  Also, I have my kids signed up to complete internships so they can experience some career fields and it aligned perfectly with what he had to say about taking the time to volunteer. Anyway, please relay my appreciation for him sharing his experiences.  Judy

I can’t imagine being able to have this level of impact and insight without a creative, professional and supportive organisation like the Global Poverty Project.

To organise and host your own Global Poverty Project presentation please go to the website – It would be great to be standing in front of an audience of yours to inform and inspire your community/school/workplace to see an end to extreme poverty within a generation!


d’Arcy Lunn

Global Poverty Project Advisor, Advocate and Ambassador

Skype: Lunny06


Cycling, Presenting and Living Below the Line in the USand Canadathis April & May – http://lunnyLBTL.wordpress.com and


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